Universal Dancer Temple of the Sacred Arts

Ancient Egypt Meets Modern Day

Welcome to The Universal Dancer Temple of Sacred Arts, a sacred abode where seekers of knowledge can explore and express their deepest desires without fear of judgment. It is a place of growth where, like the ancient temples of the past, one can connect with the divine and pursue higher learning.

At the heart of this mystical realm lies the principles of Hat-Hor, the neteret of the divine feminine. She who birthed the Hero, the King, and nurtured humanity with her boundless love and wisdom. She holds a sacred space for all seekers to embark on their journey of healing, integration, and transformation, becoming the Universal Dancer —the World card in the Tarot —reaching the pinnacle of the alchemical process, turning lead into gold. Along this path, we shed many skins, cross many thresholds, and are guided by many teachers, all in pursuit of becoming the best version of ourselves.

At The Universal Dancer Temple, we strive to create a sanctuary, a womb-like environment, where seekers can explore new and ancient ideas without fear of judgment—a place where they can learn to be discerning and think for themselves, finding their own truth. Here, we embrace diversity and celebrate each individual's unique journey, supporting them on their path to wholeness and integration.

Forty years ago, I was called by the Goddess to return to Egypt, Om el Donya (mother of the world). My spiritual vision is to learn from the ancients and share that knowledge with other Seekers.

This Temple of the Sacred Arts is an online recreation of the Temple of the Sacred Arts-Cairo, birthed and nurtured under my guidance from 1995 to 2015. Transcending the constraints of time and space, this online iteration beckons seekers from all corners of the globe.

For over three decades, I have facilitated women's circles. My soul's purpose lies in creating sanctuaries to hold space for others where women can shed societal norms and embrace their true essence.

This platform allows me to do that in a more expansive way. We offer courses, certification programs, women's circles, summits and retreats.

In today's world, it's more important than ever to connect with others and explore spirituality in a meaningful way. If you are looking for a platform that brings together the wisdom of ancient cultures with modern insights to help you deepen your spiritual practice, look no further. Join us!

Coming in 2025!

The Serpent Goddess: Dual Aspects of the Divine Feminine

February 2nd-May 10th 2025

Embark on a mystical odyssey into the realm of the Sacred Feminine, where the ancient Serpent Goddess (Hat-hor/Sekhmet) reigns supreme. Unveil the secrets of the dual goddess and their timeless power in this alchemical course. From the dawn of time, these archetypes have held sway over the human spirit, beckoning us to seek their wisdom and embrace their grace. Discover the importance of these mystic forces and learn to channel their enchantments to unleash your own potential and that of others. Traverse the Heroine's Journey, where you will unite the twin aspects of the Sacred Feminine and emerge as a beacon of their radiance.

The Alchemy of Dance

March 2025

Embark on a transformative 4-week journey with "The Alchemy of Dance: Ancient Mysteries of Movement Immersive Course." This unique program reconnects you to the ancient secrets of the Divine Feminine through Sacred Dance. Led by Leslie Zehr, you'll tap into the power of the Serpent Goddess, learning primordial movements that awaken your inner wisdom, enhance your spiritual practice, and deepen your connection to the Universe. Through live sessions, pre-recorded teachings, and a supportive community, you'll experience profound personal transformation, aligning with the rising Divine Feminine energy in the world.