The time is now

We have just come out of a time of isolation; for some, it was an opportunity to do deep inner work; for others, it emphasized the deep separation being imposed on us. We need a way to return to wholeness. 

My work in Egypt, through the guidance of Hat-hor, has led me back to a time spoken about by many ancient cultures—a magical time of harmony and balance before the Age of Separation and the rise of patriarchy. By re-membering these ancient cultures and the wisdom they left us carved in stone, we can return to that time of balance and empowerment when the feminine was still felt deep within our psyche.

Most people are ready for a change, new ideas, and ways of being but need guidance to figure out where to look. The ancients knew we would reach these critical times and left us wisdom and clues for navigating them in the ancient temples. We can access the esoteric knowledge they left in plain sight through initiation and make the critical shift toward the mystical.

Over the last 30 years, my work has been to awaken the Divine Feminine within myself and others through initiation, exploration, and study. My calling to Egypt started in childhood and led me to immigrate 40 years ago. I left Western culture to immerse myself in the mystery and magic of Egypt, the ancient fertile land of "Kemet." It has been a fantastic journey. My passion for sacred sites has taken me to many places where I led tours and shared my knowledge. My understanding is not limited to scholarly research but includes personal experience from 40 years of interacting with these energies. I am blessed to have acquired a deep knowledge of ancient Egypt and the Egyptian Mysteries. My connection to the goddess Hat-hor is profound, and with her guidance, I have created modalities based on ancient Egyptian alchemy and spiritual practices.

Temple of the Sacred Arts Women's Circle

The Temple of the Sacred Arts Women's Circle provides a nurturing environment for women seeking to nourish their souls and discuss openly in a sacred space. Recreating the Temple of the Sacred Arts-Cairo, which I founded and ran from 1995-2015, I have moved the experience online to break the barriers of place and time.

I have been facilitating women's circles for more than 30 years. I'm committed to providing a sacred and nurturing environment for women who want to move beyond the boundaries imposed on us by current societal expectations/norms—my greatest gift; I have been told, is holding space for others. This platform allows me to do that in a more expansive way.

Our community offers a space for deep discussion and connection. We will delve into topics such as soul purpose and the critical shift towards the mystical, the Divine Feminine, Twin Flames, the Neteru, and Sacred Sites and explore why ancient cultures are so relevant today—how they can provide a map to lead us back to balance and wholeness. In today's world, it's more important than ever to connect with others and explore spirituality in a meaningful way.

The Women's Circle ($17/month) includes a monthly online women's circle with a replay for those who cannot attend live. It is a 90-minute live online gathering—an open discussion on that month's topic, with contemplation questions, a guided visualization, and special members-only events.

If you are looking for a community that brings together the wisdom of ancient cultures with modern insights to help you deepen your spiritual practice, look no further. 

Becoming a member, you will:

  • Have access to a sacred space for personal growth

  • Have an opportunity to open your mind and feed your soul

  • Learn and grow through personal interactions with me allowing me to share my knowledge on ancient Egypt and my deep connection to Hat-hor

  • Share ideas in an open and accepting manner with other women in the group without judgment

  • Access to a wealth of information through presentations, discussions, classes, and programs

What's included in each membership tier:

The Initiate

  • Women's Circle

    A 90-minute live online gathering monthly to discuss, contemplate and enjoy the company of other like-minded women

  • Experiential Component

    Each gathering includes an experiential piece such as a journey, guided visualization, or meditation

  • Variety of Topics

    Each month's live gathering explores a different topic, such as Initiation, the Divine Feminine, virtual visits to sacred sites, totems, and much more.

  • Replays

    Replays of all monthly live gatherings and special events are available in the members portal.

  • Seeding Questions

    Pre-gathering seeding questions to get you thinking about that month's topic so you can bring questions and experience to the live gathering

  • Contemplation Questions

    Post-gathering contemplation questions to help you process the material covered in the gathering as well as your personal experiences

  • Sacred Space

    A sacred, non-judgmental container for exploration of esoteric and out-of-mainstream thinking

  • Special Events

    Special members-only events honoring occasions, such as critical astrological transits and ancient celebrations.

  • Video Library

    A catalog of videos from Special Events and previous discussions, on-demand

Whether you're new to spirituality or a seasoned practitioner, our community welcomes you with open arms. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and growth, and experience the transformative power of ancient wisdom, connection, and community.

This membership is for you if:

  • You are ready for change

  • You believe the ancients have much to teach us and are ready to learn their secrets

  • You want to experience initiation and depth, not just collect information

  • You want to learn and grow in deep and profound ways in a sacred container

  • You want to break out of the media mind-set and explore new ideas and your own creative thoughts

Women's Circle

A monthly subscription is just $17. Join for a year to fully experience what the Temple has to offer, and receive two months free!



Leslie Zehr

Leslie Zehr is a mystic, sacred arts teacher, workshop leader, mentor, and author, who, for more than 30 years, has supported women to reconnect to the Divine Feminine within through the mysteries of ancient Egypt. Born in Peru and educated in the United States, Leslie followed a calling to "return" to Egypt in 1986 to learn about and experience the ancient mysteries. In 2002, after an initiation experience at Dendera Temple in Luxor, she received and developed the Universal Dancer, a simple but profound method of Sacred Dance that works with sacred geometry, primordial energies, waves, and the chakras to unlock intuition, vitality, and creativity. A trained hypnotherapist, reiki master, astrologer, aromatherapist, and homeopath, Leslie is the author of two books –The Alchemy of Dance: Sacred Dance as a Path to the Universal Dancer, which has been translated into Spanish; and The Al-chemia Remedies: Vibrational Essences from Egyptian Flowers and Sacred Sites – as well as a CD entitled "Navel Portal Activation and Guided Visualizations." In Cairo, Leslie founded and ran The Centre for Health and Well-being, which later became The Centre for Sacred Arts, a modern-day temple for learning and creativity honoring the Goddess Hat-Hor. Her lectures and workshops in Sacred Dance and the Al-chemia Remedies have taken her from Cairo, ancient Egyptian temples, and archaeological sites along the Nile River to studios and centers in New York, Maine, Maryland, Arizona, Washington, and Puerto Rico.

Join Us!

Interact with like-minded women to support your personal growth and healing in a sacred container.